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Converge recently played a show in NYC, and being a douche, I totally forgot about it. Thanks to the power of the internet, and...


It's the hump-day AV roundup. Let's play some tuneskis. Got a killer orchestral cover of Converge, new music from Dying Fetus, Corey Smoot, The...

Sick Art

I got into the artwork of Jacob Bannon much sooner than I did Converge's music. In fact, seeing his amazing t-shirt designs is what...

Upcoming Releases

Who releases full albums anymore? Split 7" are all the rage, and Converge have just announced a new split they'll be putting out in...


Early in 2011, Frank visited Kurt Ballou at his Godcity studios to record Frank's band, Meek Is Murder. During that sesh, Frank managed to...

Fuck Yes!

This is really cool. By now you may have heard that grind legends Nasum will be doing a short run of farewell shows in May...


Who doesn't like a nice little tease? Converge are knee-deep in recording the followup to Axe To Fall, and are already up to vocal tracking,...

Latest News

As you may know, Tomas Lindberg's current project, Lock Up is currently on tour with Goatwhore. Brutal Truth bassist Danny Lilker is on the...

Tour Dates

Fuck yes! More Converge shows are never a bad thing as these guys are one of the most consistent live acts around. The band...

Fuck Yes!

Wow, 2012 is going to kick some fucking ass. New releases are on the horizon from Lamb of God, Meshuggah, Pig Destroyer, Cynic and...

Upcoming Releases

This is exciting, Converge has been writing material lately, and they must have a lot of it. Drummer Ben Koller posted this status on...


Up until today, unless you shelled out some cash for the Converge/Dropdead 7" you were not able to hear the studio recording of the...

Tour Dates

Converge released like the greatest album ever in 2008, with Axe To Fall, and they are apparently on their way to writing a new...

Upcoming Releases

Never have I been so excited to post about a tweet before! Last night, Converge let it be known that they have begun writing...

Tour Dates

Speaking of knowing how to book a tour, CONVERGE announced they are heading out on a full US run and are bringing various friends...


By Ben Apatoff UPDATE: You can now stream the entire disc on the band's MySpace page. (Also, don't miss our epic live footage of...

Latest News

By Ben Apatoff Not that it needed a video to dismantle your senses, but the title track from CONVERGE's mind-numbingly amazing new album is...


So much great new music, so little time! No talk, just play: VictoryMetal.com has posted a stream of a brand new song from BETWEEN...


Consider me officially excited for the new CONVERGE cd, Axe To Fall. The band just posted an MP3 of the track "Dark Horse" on...

Tour Dates

What unites two huge crossover metal bands, brings along two of the best underground metal bands in the world and is almost as exciting...


We're back in NYC! And that means, as promised, I have uploaded the remainder of the CONVERGE live footage from Europa. Above you will...

Latest News

A bit of a bummer to report on. Right now, Frank and I are in Los Angeles for the Revolver Golden God Awards and...


We are continuing our week-long coverage of CONVERGE's show last Saturday night at Club Europa in Brooklyn, NY. We just posted 3 new songs...