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While Metalocalypse Might Be Dead, DETHKLOK Lives On As GALAKTIKON According To Drummer

Gene Hoglan on the new Galaktikon album: "“It’s not a Dethklok record, but it’s a fucking Dethklok record! It sounds exactly like Dethklok, the lyrics are fully Dethklok.”

Gene Hoglan on the new Galaktikon album: "“It’s not a Dethklok record, but it’s a fucking Dethklok record! It sounds exactly like Dethklok, the lyrics are fully Dethklok.”

Back in April we were left wondering what Dethklok/Metalocalypse mastermind Brendon Small was working on, after a mysterious Instagram post. At the time, we questioned if it was indeed a new Dethklok album, or perhaps final season, as had been campaigned for, or perhaps a new solo album. Then, in April, Small revealed he will be putting out a new Galaktikon album, the moniker of his solo project.

Gene Hoglan was interviewed byMetal Hammer about the new album and it's a good news / bad news situation. The bad news is it looks like Dethklok is basically done for, but the good news is that the new Galaktikon album is the new Dethklok album, just under a different name:

“Brendon is the guy to speak officially about the future of Dethklok per se, but one thing that I do know is I was down in LA doing a few days with Brendon on a new project that happens to be called Galakticon 2.

“All I know is this Galakticon 2 album sure sounds a whole lot like Dethklok and sure has the approach of Dethklok…but it’s called Galakticon 2. That’s the name of the band because we can’t use Dethklok any more.

“This new record we recorded is fucking amazing, it’s killer, and I’m stoked. It sure is a killer record we did, chock full of double bass, killer riffs, and all sorts of cool stuff, and I can’t wait to hear it when it’s done.”

As if that wasn't spelled out clearly enough for you, Hoglan elaborated:

“I’m always happy touring with Brendon, he’s my dude, so anytime he says jump, I will absolutely jump. We have a really good rapport and stuff. So I’m always down for doing any kind of Dethklok kind of thing.

“However, I’m in the same boat as anybody who might wonder about it, ‘Well if it’s not Dethklok, then what will happen? Will you still have videos and animation and stuff?’

“I’m not sure if it’s part of his budget for this or not. But one thing I do know is that we’ve recorded an amazing new record, and it just happens to be called Galakticon 2. But it sure doesn’t sound like Galakticon 2 – it sure sounds like this other band we used to play for. Exactly like this other band!

“It’s not a Dethklok record, but it’s a fucking Dethklok record! It sounds exactly like Dethklok, the lyrics are fully Dethklok.”

While it's a bummer we won't be seeing any Dethklok animation anytime soon, it's great to hear that Small is continuing to produce excellent death metal with Hoglan, even if it's under a different moniker.

Are you still onboard?

We'll keep you posted on this one for sure.

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