The Facebook page for Summer Slaughter keeps dropping hints about potential bands that could be on the tour and I just keep getting excited.
The two newest additions to the rumored lineup, Flotsam and Jetsam and Black Breath, weren't really hints though. The page literally asked about both the bands.
So far there have been five bands in total teased for the tour. There's the above two along with Morbid Angel, Dying Fetus and The Faceless. I was actually a little surprised to see Flotsam and Jetsam being teased for the tour since it seems like there's a lot of death metal so far, but I'm definitely not complaining! Metal is metal, regardless, and this lineup sounds so damn promising if it all ends up coming true.
If Black Breath are playing, their drummer better make an exceptionally speedy recovery too since he got hit by a car and all recently.