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THREATIN Bassist "Would Work With [Jered] Again, No Problem;"

Does Gavin not have internet access or what?

Does Gavin not have internet access or what?

The tale of Threatin reached a boiling point last week, when Threatin frontman Jered Threatin's real identity was exposed. If you somehow missed this story, Threatin kicked off their European tour playing to empty venues, and the venues realized they'd been duped by a fake promoter and that Jered created an entirely made up online presence.

The whole con kept unraveling and what's even crazier is his own bandmates didn't realize it until the story broke. Two of the studio musicians left the tour early, but one, bassist Gavin Carney decided to stay and continue the tour, despite all the news. At the time, it was reported that Gavin did not have the financial means to leave the tour early. But, in a newly-released video, Gavin says that he could've gone home early, but didn't want to contact family for money. Gavin finally broke his silence and the entire six minute video is bizarre.


Gavin did eventually leave the tour, after his family started seeing all the stories about Threatin and got worried and asked him to go home.

Ultimately, Gavin takes the high road, calling the situation a "scandal" and basically blaming management for nobody showing up to the shows, despite very clear evidence that Jered faked the name of his management company. He says “I never physically met management or people in charge of marketing, or venues or all that, I never met any of those people,” but then almost reassures himself saying “It always felt like there were people overseeing everything. They made calls to management and stuff. It seemed legit.”

He noted that he told Jered and his girlfriend Kelsey that he was leaving the tour early while sightseeing and that the duo totally understood and basically left the door open for future collaboration.

Gavin defends Jered's skills as a musician, and doesn't understand why a musician that talented would need to fake anything. Gavin also noted that Jered is dealing with some "physical ailments" that he pushed through to go on tour. Gavin said that he really enjoyed his time on the tour but “if everything I’ve been told and experienced with Jered is true, I would work with him again, no problem. I’ve enjoyed my time with him. But if it’s all been a facade I’ll be very distraught and disappointed and sad.”

We're guessing Gavin hasn't been keeping up with the story.

Ultimately, Gavin said he got to see a part of the world that he would never get to see before, and called it an "experience of a lifetime," and noted it was his first ever tour. If nothing else, Gavin certainly knows how to look on the bright side of things.

[via MetalSucks]

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