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SEIDR'S Ginnungagap Is Finally Here To Crush You Beneath Existential Angst

Louisville, Kentucky's Seidr were all set to release one of the best albums of 2013 this past September 17th, but there was some sort of delay at the last minute and the album never wound up hitting the street. Now, a little over a month after the Ginnungagap's original release date, Bindrune Recordings has finally released the album for purchase. And you should purchase it ASAP.


I wrote a review for Ginnungagap back in September so I won't belabor the point of how good this album is here. Suffice it to say that this is a dense and cosmically massive sounding album that blends death, doom, folk, and black metal into a maelstrom of awe and fury. At the moment, Bindrune Recordings is only offering Ginnungagap for sale in CD format, but they're only asking the insanely affordable price of $12.00 for a 2 CD album that's crammed with an hour of startlingly good music.  Follow this link to order your copy. That's not even a suggestion, guys, it's a command.

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