Sebastian Bach is currently out on the road and of course is performing classic Skid Row material, though with one thoughtful edit. Bach changed the lyric from Skid Row's 1989 track "Sweet Little Sister" from "Her friend is doing time for kicking ass on a queer" to "Her friend is doing time for knocking over a beer."
The edit didn't go unnoticed by one Twitter user, who tweeted at Bach to thank him for the change. Bach was flattered that the fan noticed, and agreed that words definitely do matter.
The fan wrote "As a lifetime fan who has seen you everywhere from Hammerjacks to NY Steel to Broadway, who happens to be gay, I thank you for changing the lyrics to ["Sweet Little Sister"]. Words matter! You fuckin ROCK!!"
Bach responded "Yes they do. Very cool that somebody actually noticed."
Check out footage of the song below.
[via Ultimate Classic Rock]