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Phil Anselmo Finished Tracking Vocals For The New DOWN Release

Down released Down IV: The Purple EP, Pt. 1 in 2012 and then got pretty quiet. Kirk Windstein quit the band in that time, the band released a smoking Jesus Christmas ornament and that's pretty much it. Now we're hearing that Phil Anselmo ha finished vocals for a new release. Dust off your excitebike because it looks like we're getting some new jams in 2014!

In an interview with, Anselmo said he's finished tracking vocals for the upcoming release. This is especially exciting because it sounds like all that's left for the release now is the mixing and mastering process! Hell, Anselmo even hints at another EP in the works in the conversation. He said:

"It's kind of slight continuation of the first EP, but it's a little bit more… It's hard to say, man… It's more… I wouldn't say 'aggressive,' but it's definitely got some freaky guitar stuff on it. And it's definitely got a pretty good groove factor. And we spent a lot of time trying to make all the songs [fit together stylistically]. We had several songs that didn't quite match it, so we kind of [set them aside] and we're gonna move them to another EP. But it's got a super-heavy vibe to it, man. I mean, I'm really excited about it. Everybody in the band is excited about it."

The term "freaky guitar stuff" has me all bothered. Here's to hoping we get a single or something as soon as humanly possible!

[via Blabbermouth]

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