This is not a drill, there is cover art and everything.
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This is not a drill, there is cover art and everything.
Corey Taylor takes up his pen and shares his thoughts on just what the hell is happening in America
Now with more instrumental music and an "Ataxia" medley in the set!
Plus a live album this year!
He's been clean for seven years!
Yes this it is more poppy than some past releases, but there is no other pop music that sounds like it does when Wilson...
‘All that down home Celtic imagery and presentation is well and good, but does it rock,’ I hear you asking. Well, parts of it...
Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, Stevie Wonder, and more!
Plus a ton of tour dates!
Led Zeppelin's "Rock And Roll" and ZZ Top's "Tush," specifically.
Five comics due out between October 2017 and February 2018!
It's first without Paul O’Neill.
Metallica's North American leg of their WorldWired tour came to an end last night in Edmonton, and Metallica didn't want to just celebrate with...
Photographer Rodrigo Fredes was bi-costal with his two latest sets of photos. First, he caught Demolition Hammer, Condition Critical & Unrelenting Force in NYC. See...
Who gets paid for this?
The world we live in now.
Dead Cross got in some trouble in Texas.
"Oh there would be nothing different because they would have booted me out after about, I would have given it five weeks."
Thy Art Is Murder bring forth an aura of desolation in their latest studio album
“I did what I did. You don’t like it, you can kiss my ass.”
"It would have been nice to do these last shows with Bill, but it just didn't happen," Iommi said. "And it's silly, really, because...