Death metal titans return with an exemplary back-to-roots affair
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Death metal titans return with an exemplary back-to-roots affair
Stripped back and powerful, Belus tap into the spirit of black metal with their endlessly fascinating and masterfully executed debut album. These Brooklyn black...
...well I'll be damned, he does an amazing job.
More Dave Lombardo drums for all!
It's all West Coast, unfortunately.
Last week, Two Minutes to Late Night released a killer cover which featured Royal Thunder frontwoman Mlny Parsons joining Mutoid Man for a very powerful...
T'is the season to get heavy.
Sorry Matty Williams, but Ghoul needed a sacrifice.
Plus Opeth's drummer!
"Screw vocals. I'm tired of it."
Our guest is from across the pond on this edition of Squared Circle Pit - we talk to David Lo Pan, a compose who...
Not the M.U.S.C.L.E. figurines – these are different.
It's really complicated, but the results are completely insane.
Children rising one last time in Birmingham.
Featuring about 30 minutes of never-before-seen-footage.
December is officially here, which means there is only one month left in 2017. Where did the time go? Here's what you missed this...
First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to EyeHateGodCancelledShowHotline, who had the best zinger: “I'm glad Corpsegrinder found some friends to camp outside Target...
Get in here for the photos of how insanely Slash has lived.
Hearing Lemmy's voice is always a plus.
Feared, the band featuring guitarist Ola Englund (The Haunted), drummer Kevin Talley (Daath, Them, etc.), vocalist Mario Ramos (Demonoid), and bassist Jocke Skog (ex-Clawfinger)...
This year, I'm thankful for The Howling Void's brand new, atmospheric offering.
Last Christmas you gave them your heart. This year, they gave you shred.