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This is how you make unique metal.

This is how you make unique metal.

Lillake, the band featuring Suicidal Tendencies guitarist/vocalist Nico Santora and drummer Eric Moore, as well as ex-The Faceless/Entheos bassist Evan Brewer, has been pretty faithfully covered by us throughout its so-far brief existence… and for good reason. The band sounds like nobody else in the metal game currently and its music is absolutely, creatively phenomenal.

So why wait any longer to get the band's full length in your ears? We're premiering Become today in its entirety before its July 19 release date. While you await a physical release of the album, the record will be available on iTunes and through Bandcamp. You've already heard a few of these songs, but they're so damn good you'll want to sit through them again as they crop up on the record!

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Lillake, the band featuring guitarist and vocalist Nico Santora (ex-Suicidal Tendencies, ex-The Faceless), drummer Eric Moore (ex-Infectious Grooves, ex-Suicidal Tendencies), bassist Alex Vasquez (ex-Abiotic), and guitarist...

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