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The man behind the mask, revealed.

Daniele Salomone

Lacuna Coil parted ways with guitarist Diego Cavallotti earlier this year and has since been performing with a masked mystery guitarist. Unlike Ghost and Sleep Token, you don't have to put in the hours to figure out who's lurking behind the mask – it's Daniele Salomone.

Salomone took to Instagram to reveal his identity, writing: "I'm so grateful to Lacuna Coil for this amazing experience . I'm very honoured to help them ???? I want to thanks a lot [vocalist] Cristina Scabbia, [bassist] Marco Coti Zelati, [vocalist] Andrea Ferro & [drummer] Richard Meiz (aka pastafrollo) for trusted me ???? so yes guys the Unknown man it's me …I I I"

Lacuna Coil recently announced their first new record since 2019, Sleepless Empire due out February 25. Inspiration to write Sleepless Empire came during the sessions for Comalies XX, a 2022 reimagining of the band's 2002 album Comalies.

"'Sleepless Empire' captures, through our eyes, the chaos of a generation trapped in a digital world that never stops, where social media consumes identity and every day pushes us one step closer to becoming soulless zombies," said Lacuna Coil of the record.

"We find ourselves in between, having witnessed a full analogic world and the modern one, confronting the evolution and searching for a true meaning of it all. Throughout every song, the journey is an undercurrent of rebellion, a desperate cry to reclaim oneself in an era that seems to have lost its sense of time and reality."

Pre-orders are available here.

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