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Greg Tribbett Says There's No Time For A MUDVAYNE Reunion Right Now

The wait continues.

The wait continues.

Mudvayne broke up in 2010 and the topic of a potential reunion seems to crop up just about every year. There's never any hope for a reunion, but the topic surfaces nonetheless. Since the breakup, guitarist Greg Tribbett joined and quit Hellyeah, vocalist Chad Grey is still in Hellyeah, Ryan Martinie is off being amazing at bass in Soften the Glare, and both Tribbett and drummer Matthew McDonough are in Audiotopsy.

Now in Jon's Untitled Podcast with Tribbett as the guest, the topic of a potential reunion has reared its head only to be swiftly decapitated. Tribbett says he and the Mudvayne guys are flattered everyone wants a reunion, but there's simply no time for it right now.

“…We’re all flattered that everyone still wants Mudvayne to tour and do a new record and come out and do all that stuff. The thing is is that everybody is in three different bands and kinda doing their own projects, and there’s no time for that right now.

People just need a little more patience, I know 10 years is a long time, but… they’re doing the same thing… they say the same thing about System Of A Down, you know they haven’t put out a record in 12 years and the fans are begging for them.

You know and I think it’s the individuals in the band, it’s just priorities, you know?”

Tribbett and Audiotopsy are releasing a new album called The Real Now on November 2 and he gets a little pissed off that people try to compare it to Mudvayne, or specifically Grey's vocals.

“Chad [Gray] is not the singer of this fucking band. I wish people would figure that out. You know, that’s what I hear from all the haters blah blah blah, ‘oh it’s not Chad so it fucking sucks, I don’t give a fuck about it.’ It’s like dude, this is a whole different band a whole different vibe, a whole different sound.

It’s not meant to be Mudvayne or sound like Mudvayne. Just because there’s 2 other members from Mudvayne in it. Like I said, people have no patience for anything, because I know everyone’s begging for a Mudvayne reunion, and have been for almost ten years now. That’s all I’ve been hearing.”

So yeah, keep waiting.

[via The PRP]

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