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Ex-DEATH Guitarist Auctions Chuck-Signed Spiritual Healing Memorabilia To Help Pay Medical Bills

"Signed by all 4 members of the Spiritual Healing lineup, plus an original print of a photo taken in Morrisound Recording Studio"


Guitarist James Murphy is known for his work in Death, Obituary, Testament, as well as his own band Disincarnate. Murphy is currently trying to raise funds to pay his medical bills and is auctioning off a really cool piece of memorabilia from Death's Spiritual Healing era. The piece is a page from Murphy's personal Death scrapbook signed by the Spiritual Healing lineup – guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner, Murphy himself, bassist Terry Butler (Obituary, ex-Massacre), drummer Bill Andrews (ex-Massacre) – as well as a a photo taken in Morrisound Recording Studio during the sessions sent to fans at that time.

Get your bidding in here before July 27.

Next item for auction (Chuck autograph)… a page from my personal Death scrapbook, added in 1989. This is a page of Death official stationary from the period, signed by all 4 members of the Spiritual Healing lineup, plus an original print of a photo taken in Morrisound Recording Studio during the sessions in Aug or Sep 1989. As my memory serves, I asked the guys to sign several of these back in ‘89, and sent them to fans/friends that had requested autographs… this one was an extra, and the only one i have left. The auction will be public, just place your bid in the comments below, and we will start the bidding at $100 (a signed letter of provenance will be added at the winners request). The auction will run until Saturday, July 27th at 12:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time (aka noon in California). All proceeds will go to pay my ongoing medical expenses… may the best fan win. ?

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