Remember last month how we said Frankie Palmeri was probably going to blow out his voice? Looks like that is exactly what happened. Frankie was having issues with his voice, and doctors told him he needed to rest it for at least two weeks before returning to the stage. Palmeri disobeyed doctor's orders and chose to perform anyway on the tour and now it's caught up to him.
Emmure just announced they are canceling their upcoming Euro tour with Caliban because Frankie cannot perform. Here's the message they posted over the weekend:
"Due to unfortunate circumstances, we must cancel our upcoming EU/UK touring plans with Caliban, Thy Art Is Murder and Sworn In due to Frankie's still yet to be determined healing process. He has severe acute and chronic reflux laryngitis and a weak (partially paralyzed) left vocal cord. We appreciate the support we received on the last tour with Suicide Silence in Frankie's absence, at this time we are going to put our focus towards writing a new album while he recovers and we hope to see you all very soon."
It sounds like a pretty painful situation and one that was inevitable for the band.