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Why BLACK VEIL BRIDES' "Fake" Amps Are No Big Deal

Over the weekend, ThePRP posted the attached photo taken backstage at Warped Tour during Black Veil Brides gig. The photo shows a perspective from the back of the stage which reveals all those stacks of amps that BVB play in front of…are actually fake! GASP!! Here's why it's not a big deal:

It's not a big deal because EVERYBODY DOES IT!

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book and I've seen lots of bands on festival tours do it. Anybody who's gotten any sort of side-of-stage access can see that everything isn't what it seems to be. Even legendary black metal band Immortal was once "caught" with fake cabs:

Immortal fake cabs

This does not mean the band isn't actually playing the music, it means they're plugged into the house system. A general rule of thumb is if there are more than 3 amps per person on stage, most of them are fakes, bruh! It's part of the stage show. This has no reflection on the band's music or their live performance, it's merely extra props. And ultimately, who cares that they're fake?

Black Veil Brides are not phased by the supposed drama with their frontman tweeting:

In a very rare occurrence, I agree with Andy of Black Veil Brides! Hey, remember when Five Finger Death Punch called out Black Veil Brides?

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