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Here's How We Just Triggered Self-Proclaimed Alpha PHIL LABONTE from ALL THAT REMAINS

Phil Labonte has been an alpha for 20 years!

Phil Labonte has been an alpha for 20 years!

I can't even right now. I am still jetlagged after a delayed flight back to NYC from the NAMM convention in Anaheim this weekend. I'm trying to get all my work done and then I see MetalSucks inform me that noted scholar and All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte is back to his old ways.

The Women's March on Washington, and in other states, might just be the largest protest in US history. But ONE MENTION of guns, and precious snowflake Labonte seems triggered:

Well, Phillip, perhaps its the right to free medical care or the right to choose if you have an abortion – which the Republican congress is already making strides to strip away. But this isn't the meat of the story here.

Perhaps as a reaction to noted white supremacist Richard Spencer getting punched in the face, Labonte decided it was the perfect time to let liberals know that HE IS READY TO FIGHT:

This led to The Toilet Ov Hell editor Joe Thrashnkill to call out Labonte, and this is where the fun begins:

Phil's feelings seem to have gotten hurt, so naturally, he did what any jock with barely a vocabulary would do, he called Joe a faggot:

As we've stated before, anytime we see somebody use "faggot" in an online argument, it just reeks of lack of creativity. It's one notch less inventive than calling somebody a cuck.

But then, somebody called Phil a cuck and his response was so good, I might print it out and put it on my refrigerator:

Phil Labonte is a 41 year old man, does that mean all through his adolescence, he was a beta? What transformative action happened in his 21st year of life that allowed him to deem himself an alpha. Did he get his first gun?

Perhaps a stark contrast to Labonte's alpha Twitter persona is his more sensitive Facebook persona:

The last time Phil's wife popped up is when she threatened to hack me after I challenged Phil to a debate. She is a Marine corps veteran, and shares many similar libertarian viewpoints that Phil does. Phil doesn't clarify if he got divorced or if something happened to his wife health-wise, but we can't imagine why the two would split up. Phil seems so charming.

Update: Labonte confirmed he and his wife divorced, and then called us big bullies for simply posting his public posts:

Back in 2011 we called Phil Labonte a homophobic asshole, which we eventually recanted… he's just an asshole. You see, he has gay friends. A few years ago, he tried to call us out on Twitter, but accidentally called out another site. Back in 2015, he may have said the dumbest thing ever in regards to this debate and then eventually went on MSNBC and basically admitted he's just trolling. He still refuses to debate us.

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