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LOATHE Cancels European & UK Tour To Focus On New Music

At least we're getting a new Loathe record.

Loathe 2022

Loathe has unfortunately canceled their upcoming European and U.K. tour dates. The good news here is that Loathe is using this time to focus on completing the follow-up to their critically-acclaimed 2020 album I Let It In And It Took Everything, which you can stream at the bottom of this post.

"People of United Kingdom and Europe," said Loathe in a statement. "After much painstaking deliberation, it is with regret that we have made the very difficult decision to cancel our upcoming September and October headline dates.

"We are currently in the penultimate stages of completing our new album, which the tour was initially booked to promote, and believe that opening up our time to focus entirely on the music is the correct thing to do, as using this time in September and October will allow us to complete the recording process.

"We recognise that these cancellations are frustrating and we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused with purchases already made in ways of travel arrangements and tickets.

"All ticket purchases will be refunded at your point of purchase. Thank you for your endless support and understanding."

You can also grab a copy of I Let It In And It Took Everything here.

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