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BRIAN COOK On A BOTCH Reunion Show: "The Circumstances Would Have To Be Very Specific"

"I honestly can’t imagine what those circumstances would be at this point."


Botch announced back in October that they'd signed to Sargent House to bring their incredibly influential back catalog to the masses. This of course led to rumors of a Botch reunion, which bassist Brian Cook said at the time wasn't happening. Now in an interview with Kevin Diers of Everflowing Stream, Cook said the possibility of a reunion show isn't exactly great.

"I've learned not to say never to that, but the circumstances would have to be very specific and I honestly can’t imagine what those circumstances would be at this point. And, man… it would freak me the fuck out. To put on a Botch show the way we used to put on Botch shows… I’m 44 years old and I don’t know if my body could handle throwing itself around onstage all night and all that’s stuff. I bruise too easily these days."

Plus Cook has been keeping himself plenty busy over the years with Russian Circles, Sumac, and his solo project Torment & Glory. So y'know, the world isn't experiencing a deficit of Brian Cook musical goodness at the moment.

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