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BORKNAGAR Currently Working On A New Record

Despite having been around since 1996, Borknagar only recently started making monster waves in the metal community with their two latest records Universal and Urd (2010 and 2012, respectively). So what next? Another "u"-titled album to push them even further into the spotlight?

Guitarist and composer for the group Øystein Garnes Brun took to Facebook over the weekend to make the following post.

"Oh yeah, pre-prods for five new songs done! So what is your expectations for the next album?"

Awesome that the band are diligently working to get another solid record out in 2014, especially considering some of the band are also working with Ihsahn and the gang on their God of Atheists project! Borknagar have been headed in a pretty progressive-heavy doom kind of sound lately, which has not only served them well in terms of popularity but has blown me right away. Urd was easily one of the best records from 2012, so here's to hoping for another classic!

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Happening at the very end of September and thru October.


Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.


"Fall proves that Borknagar is a band that, even 12 albums in, can still deliver fresh material enrobed in their signature sound."

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