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DEATH ANGEL Explores Societal Ruins In Thrashy New Song "The Pack"

Death Angel thrashes hard, in case you forgot.

Photo by Stephanie Cabral

Death Angel's new record Humanicide will drop on May 31. The band's new song "The Pack" is equal parts societal ruin and lyric video, though the former would've made a pretty cool dedicated music video.

Here's what guitarist Rob Cavestany had to say about the track.

"'The Pack' is inspired by and dedicated to our fans. When I wrote this song, we had just come home from tour and I was still feeling the rush of performing at open air festivals. The energy exchange between us on stage and the mass of metal heads in the crowd is unlike any other. I wanted to capture it in a song about unity, like our song 'Kill As One'.

"Our fan club is called 'The Pack.' Our fans get it! But it's not only for them, it also branches out to represent our families, friends, team, crew… and all metalheads! We feel honored to belong to this worldwide 'pack.' This song requires crowd participation, we are SO looking forward to playing it live!"

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