If you're looking for grimy, black metal, full of literal Piss and Shit, then you need some Ego. No, seriously – the guitarist/bassist/vocalist goes by Piss, and the other guy, a guitarist/drummer/vocalist, goes by Shit. Ego is a black metal duo out of Anchorage, Alaska, where, we can assume, the cold has allowed rot to settle in and the metal to fester into something perfectly diabolical.
The duo is streaming their debut 4-track starting December 25th (Black Christmas anyone?). Check out their latest track "Malice Aforethought" below.
The band states: “Here is a dedication to ones foolish enough to test my abject ability to lack compassion. A beauty lies in completely overwhelming and overpowering an enemy. The celebration of this violence is captured by recording myself waterboarding Shit at the apex of this track. Torture can lead to triumph but mostly for the one with the whip.”