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Metal Merch

COLIN MARSTON's (KRALLICE, GORGUTS, Etc.) Menegroth Studio Closing, Benefit T-Shirt Launched To Help Fund Moving Costs

The building that housed Menegroth got sold.


Colin Marston's Menegroth studio is coming to an end. The building that housed Menegroth sold and the studio will have to move. This all sucks big time considering that Marston has worked on music from bands like Agalloch, Atheist, Imperial Triumphant, Gorguts, Krallice, and literally hundreds of others there.

The good news is that Marston will continue the Menegroth studio elsewhere and he's getting some help from Imperial Triumphant! The band has just launched a Menegroth t-shirt available here for pre-order, with all proceeds going to Marston and his new Menegroth.

"Colin Marston and Menegroth studios have been an integral part of the NYC metal underground and the history of Imperial Triumphant," said Imperial Triumphant's Zachary Ezrin. "It's sad to see him lose his studio due to circumstances out of his control but we would like to try our best and make the transition a little easier.

"100% of profits from this shirt will go towards helping Colin move and hopefully finding a new studio space soon! Plus, I've always wanted to have a Menegroth studios tee shirt so I'm definitely buying one myself."

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