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Hydra Head Records Release Rare Material To Help Raise Funds

A few weeks ago, we reported on the sad news that Hydra Head Records would be shutting down in the next few months. Today, there is some hope that maybe they will not shut down after all. 

Label head Aaron Turner hopes to keep the label alive enough to preserve the back catalog and keep it in stock. He posted a new message launching HYDRA HEALTH: A Hydra Head Rehabilitation Project. Here is an excerpt from his message:

We've arrived at the conclusion that it is no longer possible for us to continue releasing new albums, but rather than shut the label down completely, we're hoping to be able to continue in a capacity that would allow us to preserve and perpetuate our catalog of works by the large cast of truly amazing and groundbreaking artists we've been lucky enough to work with over the years. In order to do this we're asking for help from anyone and everyone that would like to see the label continue and who is willing to support us in this effort. This is not however a request for charity – we would like to offer something in exchange for whatever level of funding our potential benefactors (that is you), are willing to bestow upon us.

There are a lot of rare items up for sale, including rare test pressings and even Turner's personal 1985 Gibson Les Paul Standard. Here is the full list:

$400 – ISIS vinyl collection (14 vinyl releases, 2 available)
+ more coming soon (exclusive t-shirt, bundles, … )
If you are feeling altruistic and generous, you can also donate here.
Turner said more items will be posted to the Hydra Head store in weeks to come, so keep an eye out.
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