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Don't Hold Your Breath For New Music From THE RED CHORD

The Red Chord released Fed Through The Teeth Machine in 2009 and then pretty much went silent post-tour. Unfortunately the silence since then is only going to be followed up by more silence for an undetermined amount of time. Damn!

According to guitarist for the band Mike "Gunface" McKenzie's Facebook page:

I know some of you are waiting for The Red Chord to reappear again. Well you may be waiting a while, as the band is in a state of limbo right now, and not because of Guy's new job. But we do have some things on the horizon that aren't that far off. In the meantime, come see Stomach Earth at the Acheron in Brooklyn on 10/18. We are being joined by guitar wizard, Tony Sannicandro's The Leads are Weak.

Well crap. It doesn't help the situation that The Red Chord vocalist Guy Kozowyk is a cop now either and that Gunface's new band Stomach Earth is tearing it up all over the place now, leaving little room for The Red Chord to do pretty much anything. On the plus side, when they do make their triumphant return, it'll be all glory and light from the heavens, which'll be pretty cool.

As Gunface mentioned in his posting, his solo project Stomach Earth will be making it's debut at our CMJ showcase, which you should totally go to if you live in the area!

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