Beer and rock have always been coupled together much like copious amounts of beer and "great" decision making have. AC/DC have decided to make your life easier by bringing you both the alcohol and the jams under just one name (much like a few big name bands have in the past)!
I'm just gonna come right out and say it; this seems like the kind of beer that you're not not sitting down and enjoying one of while discussing the flavor of it with your buddies. You're drinking about twenty and pretending you're Brian Johnson by tying your shirt around your head, holding up an invisible mic, and poorly singing "For Those About to Rock." So what does AC/DC have to say about their beer? Well, pretty much what I said in a media-friendly way-
“Has this every happened to you? You get home from a long day of work and want nothing more than to crack open a cold one… only when you do, you’re not quite sure how it’s gonna taste? Even if it’s a brand you’ve had before?"
“The truth is, consistency of quality is a real issue in the world of brewing and hops. That’s why AC/DC, purveyors of heavy metal thunder for almost forty years, have now gotten into the beer business! Introducing AC/DC PREMIUM LAGER BEER, 568mL of true German Premium Lager with mouthwatering 5.0% alc."
“‘We hope to give beer drinkers the same assurances we give our loyal listeners,’ commented guitarist Angus Young. ‘They know what they’re gonna get every time. There are never any surprises!’”
“This lager fires up your tongue like TNT, comes with a great beer-loving taste and is brewed in accordance with the Rock`n Roll manifesto of 1973 and the German purity law of 1516.
“If you wanna rock hard, you need the right beer. AC/DC PREMIUM LAGER BEER!”
Hey, if it worked for Motorhead's brands of both vodka and boxed wine, AC/DC might as well give it a shot. The beer could taste like liquid chalk and Robitussin and people would buy it because it has the band's logo on there; that's how branding and marketing works. They know their audience well enough to create a product that's sure to kill it. So you must be wondering if, after all the tongue-in-cheek joking I've been doing throughout the article, I'll be trying it?
You bet I'll be making an attempt.
[thanks to MetalSucks for the press release info]