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Notes From The Underground

SAWED OFF Is An Up-And-Coming Death Metal Band You Should Be Listening To

Straight outta St. Louis.

Notes From The Underground 2024

Yesterday we talked about Celestial Sanctuary over the UK, and today we're bringing it back to the US with Sawed Off. Hailing form St. Louis, Sawed Off strides the line between that modern "ignorant caveman beating you to death with a rock" sound and a little more technicality. I'm actually a little shocked these dudes haven't been called up to tour with Undeath yet.

Sawed Off is slowly carving a name for themselves in the halls of modern day death metal with two releases (so far) – their debut EP Forced Blunt Trauma in 2023 and now a brand new single "Dominion Of Skin" that just dropped in May.

And sure, Sawed Off is a younger and newer band that isn't on the lips of every metal fan out there, but I say give 'em another year and that'll change. These guys clearly know what they're trying to do with their music, as is evidenced by the consistency between the EP and the single, and I'm personally excited to keep up with whatever comes next!

Go listen to Sawed Off at their Bandcamp and buy some shit while you're there.

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