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Tour Dates

Both bands should have new albums out by the tour.

Tour Dates

She's going by the name The Enchanted Witch and she's pissed.

Tour Dates

"This will be my final world tour, but I can’t say I won’t do some shows here and there."

Tour Dates

We have the tour pre-sale password too.

Tour Dates

This past June, while visiting metal friends in Stockholm for a proper Swedish midsummer, I was told about a brand new rock band from...


No lengthy statement has been made by the band just yet.

Tour Dates

Now with more instrumental music and an "Ataxia" medley in the set!

Tour Dates

Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein, specifically.

Tour Dates

This is a stacked billed from top to bottom.

Tour Dates

Seven dates total, three are just Origin alone.

Tour Dates

Uncured, Tetrarch, and Cane Hill as well.

Tour Dates

North America is about to get way high.

Tour Dates

The Black Dahlia Murder will be playing Nocturnal in full! Also, Oceano, Slaughter To Prevail, Lorna Shore, etc.

Tour Dates

No Creed reunion but it's…something.

Tour Dates

Goatwhore are planning on releasing a new album, Vengeful Ascension, on June 23rd via Metal Blade and to celebrate, they're spending the most of June on...

Tour Dates

To say that 2016 was a good year for fans of technical death metal would be a gross understatement. The truth is, it was...

Tour Dates

More in June, this time for Idaho and California!