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Search results for "deserve"


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann Whenever I read a review about an album, song or live show, I can't help but ask myself, "Who the...


By Ben Apatoff The God of War III soundtrack is a Roadrunner showcase featuring six new songs from some of the label's biggest names...


By Ben Apatoff ROB ZOMBIE is one of the most creative frontmen in contemporary metal. Sonically and visually, he's reshaped alterna-metal and rock radio...


By Ben Apatoff If Scenes from Hell is any indication, Beelzebub's lair is not pretty. Choked-sounding saxophones squeal for help, announcing the arrival of...


By Ben Apatoff Until the Light Takes Us, a new documentary chronicling black metal-related crimes in Norway in the early '90s, tells a fascinating...


By Ben Apatoff Shame on anyone who pronounces thrash metal to be dead. Bands like MUNICIPAL WASTE and SKELETONWITCH are fanning the neo-thrash flame...


By Ben Apatoff Even without the high profile of a deservedly popular animated documentary series, it's easy to see why DETHKLOK have the highest-charting...


Two things jump out about Black Tide.  The first is their youth: they're all under 20, and singer/guitarist Gabriel Garcia is supposedly only 15. ...


Welcome back, Tomas Haake. It was quite impressive how natural (natural for extreme metal, anyway) the programmed drums sounded on 2005's Catch Thirtythree, but...


Hungary is not Norway or France, but it has a thriving black metal scene of its own.  Recent releases by Vorkuta and Aetherius Obscuritas (review...


So much black metal wants to be taken seriously; Deathspell Omega actually deserves such scrutiny.  At first, this secretive French outfit seems pretentious.  Long...


I had a really strange feeling when this first started playing in my car. It started off with slow jangly, upbeat chords, the kind...


The obvious question is of course, what the hell does the number twelve look like? The guys in SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY came up...


On its debut full-length, San Diego's Warface serves up no-frills, old-school death metal. Suffocation comes to mind in the death growls, blastbeats alternating with...


"Still not loud enough, still not fast enough!" So began Sounds of the Animal Kingdom, Brutal Truth's third and final studio full-length before disbanding...


Okay, I know this is a little late, but whateva you are getting it now. On October 29th I saw one of the most...