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Search results for "tree"


Protean Collective, a heavy progressive-rock band from Boston, has emerged with a new album called The Red and the Grey. I wrote about them...


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


One-off collaborations are nothing new to heavy metal. There's no other genre, save hip-hop, that spawns as many side projects and (forgive me for...


For as good as 2011's Scurrlious is, it had MASSIVE footsteps to follow after the band's monumental Fortress. It didn't quite live up to it sadly, and...


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...


Recently I started reading Henry Rollins' Broken Summers and a sentence struck grossly true for myself: “All too often, contemporary music doesn't give me what...


It is a rare thing these days for a post-metal band to break the mold. So many bands play sludgy, lurching, epic metal that...


By the time that this goes up, I will have just seen Black Sabbath again (writing this Sunday night since I'm seeing them Monday). I...


It's been a long three years, waiting for a follow-up to the EPIC birthday present that Rekreator was for me. I was a little...


Picture this scene. You’ve just landed on the isle of Crete. You leave your ship and walk up the beach. The surf is crashing...


1990 called, it wants more doom! But don't worry, that's a good thing. From the streets of Dallas comes True Widow, a band known for...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


Pedigree doesn't grow on trees: three members of new LA quartet Palms cut their teeth in the now-splintered Isis, with the fourth being none other than Deftones frontman Chino...


Six years. I still can’t believe it has been six years since Era Vulgaris was released. In some ways, this wait didn’t seem that...

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As the old saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover"; well definitely don't judge this excellent album by its lackluster, high school...


Dublin, California could just be another American city with a borrowed European name, lest it not be for a band comprised of arguably some...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...


Vildhjarta are a Swedish troupe of double vocalled, triple guitared Swedes with a large drumkit and a souped up bass. They sound like a...


There's this movie: Werewolves on Wheels.  It came out in 1971 and combined one theme that was hugely popular at the time (bikers) with...


With all due respect to New Orleans, the center of the sludge universe has in recent years shifted to Savannah, Georgia, that sleepy burg...


Rwake have never been the type of band to look at a wheel and decide it needs reinventing.  This is not a knock… music...


"If I can compare it to any other band, it would have to be Opeth, but it's different from the stuff we've done before....


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...