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Search results for "keeps"


London, England's venerable and vicious Killing Joke is a band that, arguably, has been coming so close to its classic era of late that...


The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...


Ritual Killer is the kind of beast that makes no bones about what it's here to do. When the songs kick on and the...


After ten releases, a rock/metal band is usually expected to be in its winding-down transition. Yet, some find their way to soldier through writer's...


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


Of Feather and Bone have glorified their crust/grind/hardcore love in the past and make no effort to move beyond it here.


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


Black Tongue is a newer band from Hull, England which formed in 2013. They have already released two EP's and within the last year...


Scale the Summit is commonly referred to as an instrumental rock band, and falls into this category often. When experiencing them though, there is...


Are you ready to hear the sermons of Papa Emeritus III?


Hellbastard are a band that need little introduction concerning their importance within the genres they play. Though more notable for the coining of the...


Pushing their fourteenth album since their formation in 1988, Halifax, England's Paradise Lost are one of the godfathers of doom. And after almost thirty...


One of the major draws to Nekrogoblikon is the unique style of melodic death metal they perform. Whenever listening to them, there is no...


Where Cloud Rat have really come to excel is exactly how they approach their songwriting. There are plenty of surprises and small twists to...


April 21st, 2015 marks the 3rd release by Abiotic. Since their forming in 2010, the band has constructed an EP in 2011, as well...


Unpleasant, ugly, vile, and grim with the viciousness of a cinder block to the teeth. That's one way you could encapsulate the skin peeling...


Aldafǫðr ok munka dróttin was crafted as an ode to the nomadic spirit of the Scandinavian people, whom history has dubbed vikings. As such...

Black Metal History

There are a lot of purist black metal bands that hide behind the shield of "keeping it trve" to defend rote, uninspired songwriting, but...

Black Metal History

By now, fans know what to expect, and that is the assurance that Taake continually manages to walk the fine line between creative expansion...


Raw may be the name of the game when it comes to traditional and prototypical grindcore but that's not to say well polished bands...


There is power metal that apes and perpetuates those old school tropes, and then there is the brooding, doom-edged metal of Sanctuary. The Year...


Upon the moors of ancient Albion, a cold wind of black metal fury has been roaring, growing steadily in pitch since its first stirrings back...


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.