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Search results for "Foundation"


St. Louis quartet Black Fast have the standard Revocation vibe down as to be expected, but they also bring a surprising dose of Death...

At The Movies

Extol is a band that needs no introduction. They've always been at the forefront of forward-thinking, truly progressive metal, and each of their albums are...


Tau Cross began life last year following Miller's second and ostensibly final disbandment of Amebix, a band whose initial lifespan between 1978 and 1987...


This two man instrumental metal band from Phoenix, Arizona is releasing their second album via Prosthetic records. After slimming down the band in 2006,...


On Anxiety's Kiss, the band's upcoming fifth LP, they shuffle off the punk rock coil almost entirely, and the result is one of Coliseum's...


There are a lot of things to like about this album. As a Nasum tribute, you’d be hard-pressed to find an effort better executed...


pace doom progenitors Ufomammut, perhaps cut off from the immediacy of scene influences due to their residence in the mountainous Piedmont region of northwestern...


No Spill Blood formed in a few years back as a quasi-super group of the scene. They feature members of Elk, Magic Pockets, and...


Setting aside the fact that they were one of the first non-Israeli bands signed from the Middle East, with their foundations in geographic and...


A blackened death metal feel is the overall sense this album portrays. The creative foundation that is present in almost every track turns out...


Though it’s commonly summed up as a homogenized slab of Gothenburg riffs and 90’s hardcore breakdowns, the metalcore explosion of the mid-aughts was actually...


Is djent a real genre? We may never know, but Periphery will transcend past the classification and continue to be something special.


Yes. London’s Haken really like Yes. That much has been evident since they burst on to the progressive metal scene back in 2010 with...

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If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...


This band from Arizona has produced some interesting releases, so what's to be expected from Sun Eater? Will there be a natural progression in...


Obituary is releasing their latest moldering chunk of sonic grave-soil via Relapse Records. Entitled Inked in Blood, the new one began officially embalming Eustachian...


Blut Aus Nord and its mastermind Vindsval are primarily associated with boundary shifting experimentation within the musical realm of black metal. The ultra-prolific unit...


Hard rock has needed a shot in the arm for a long time and, though it may sound cryptic given his drug heavy past,...

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This five piece band does not disappoint - from the opening track "Euphoria" that opens with a quirky xylophone-like sound, to the suspended periods...


Upon the moors of ancient Albion, a cold wind of black metal fury has been roaring, growing steadily in pitch since its first stirrings back...


The latest incarnation on The Haunted debuted their lineup changes on 70K Tons of Metal cruise, actually a throwback to their early years with...


In simplest terms, Back to the Front is essentially canonical Entombed: even with Hellid's departure, the remaining members had all been touring with the...


If you gathered all the rage of the youth, fixed in all the fucked up things you see in life from petty attitudes to...