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Search results for "saw"


It’s been a long, sad silence for Magrudergrind. For awhile I just assumed them dead. The announcement never came, but like a missing persons...


This album represents exactly what I love about metal, the fusion of elements and the absurd beauty of a music that God seemed to...


Their debut full-length, The Flame of Eternity's Decline, first saw life in 2005 via Oriana Music, and helped to solidify Khors as a force...


If you enjoy brutal death to any degree, this quality release by Iniquitous Savagery is well worth the investment.


Ritual Killer is the kind of beast that makes no bones about what it's here to do. When the songs kick on and the...


Sevendust is a divisive band within the metalsphere, one that so-called "trve" metalheads either love to hate or hate to love. Either they're dogged...


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.

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Christian Mistress is a confounding egg of a band. A half-decade ago, they took a good chunk of the metal world by storm with...


Michigan’s Battlecross is a band that has defied a small stack of odds and hasn’t sweat the minutiae in getting to the point where...

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I loved The Oath’s self-titled release last year. So it was with a deep sense of shock and confusion that I heard they broke...


Cryptopsy forges onward, and thanks to drummer Flo Mournier, we here at Metal Injection got to have an exclusive listen to the band’s new...


After ten years, one of progressive metal's weirder bands has returned and is just as weird, if not more.


Noisem is a band that some took to and some didn't quite get when they released their PhD grade banger Agony Defined. Some saw...


While the background and story of Norway’s Haust may be all over the grill of the internet and supportive print publications, they don’t come...


The smashing, crusted out grindcore that is Occult 45 has dropped their latest offering Human Abhorrence. Those that know the Philldelphia, PA crew's schtik...


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.


Sweden's The Crown is one of many great death metal bands to come out of the country's legendary scene. But aside from the occasional...


hird time's the charm? Seems to be for Poland's Exlibris, who return in 2015 with a stomping epic of melodic metal in the classic...


Those that grew up in the early 2000s probably already know who The Banner is. The goth/hardcore-punk/metal tyrants bolstered a heavy fixation on horror...


This is heavy metal for metalheads. If you ever find yourself complaining about the state of heavy music, this album will shut you up...


Seizures are...a lot of things. Difficult to classify but still worthy of squeezing between genres. The Dana Point, CA unit started back in 2010....


In 2012 Between The Buried And Me released their finest album since Colors in The Parallax II: Future Sequence and soon began playing this...


In spite of a long, logical progression toward a distilled all-prog sound, 2011's Heritage failed to benefit from the nearly unanimous acclaim Opeth had...