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Search results for "later"


The Verdict is not only the superlative entry in the La Torre era thus far, but it’s easily one of their best outings in...


In all honesty, it's a little surprising there wasn't much of a notable industrial metal revival in recent years. In the past decade, the...


Portland's Ossuarium has a bright (er...dark?) future ahead of it, as shown by their fantastic debut album.


While it might not be a new album just yet, fans who have waited 12 years for that can probably hold out at least...


Soilwork has stood the tests of time and turmoil to create something that fans are almost guaranteed to enjoy.


Never has a band ever more truly lived by the mantra of "Play fast or die" than Bandit on Warsaw. Get in here for...


Unearth drop a solid set of future live favorites...


The metalcore legends pay tribute to guitarist Tom Searle on their most visceral album yet...


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...


If Hallelujah! was a full ritual, then Sulphur Soul is like Cliff Notes.


The Unheavenly Creatures is a mostly captivating continuation of the Amory Wars saga that cements how relevant, idiosyncratic, and cherishable Coheed and Cambria remains.


Un are back and heavier than ever. Get ready to suffer.


While the Deafheaven comparison can be justified, Further Still emerges more like a crusty punk rocker hell bent on grinding it out like latter...


If you are a fan of heavy metal music, it’s certainly a great time to be alive. We are in the midst of an...


I recall easing into the stoner rock scene and giving Clutch a shot years ago. While their tone and style paralleled other acts like...


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...


Current and past members of Dragonforce, Slipknot, Seth, Loudblast, Chimaira, Dååth, Mayhem and Aborym walk into a bar...


Each piece on Science Fiction is adequately appealing (to varying degrees), yet the overarching experience feels too repetitious, familiar, and uninspired by the end.


Being quite keen on progressive metal—considering it is my favorite subgenre—I'm often asked to describe what exactly this style of music is defined by. Personally,...


Expectations are higher than a Denver stoner for Khemmis' latest album Desolation. Does the Colorado doom band's third opus climb to the heights of...


It’s comforting to know that the old guard can throw down as hard as, if not harder than, today’s young bucks.


Impending Doom is about to release their sixth studio album The Sin and Doom Vol. II. The Christian Deathcore band from Southern California has...


I think we can all agree that the metalcore and deathcore scenes hit a hard dead end in somewhat recent years. They became rife...