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Search results for "blues"


Elephant Tree make fr a fascinating, sitar padded listen - even if they do get a bit boring after a while.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; David Castillo is one of today's most under-rated and significant individuals in the music industry....


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


The sophomore album from this Houston-based sextet ought to cement their place in the upper echelon of modern progressive metal.


Black Cobra are one of the fiercest bands in metal today and their new record sees them taking a unique sound to exciting new...


Bands such as Native Construct, Caligula's Horse, and now Moon Tooth provide a cohesive melting pot of all previous aspects of progressive metal. These...


Man, it's too bad MTV doesn't show music videos anymore. I know, I know, tired ass grumpy old man argument, but hear me out....


Eyes Alive sups heavily from the sound of dynamic, progressive bands with roots in the world of southern sludge (think Baroness, Mastodon, Kylesa), Sabbath-ian...


After ten releases, a rock/metal band is usually expected to be in its winding-down transition. Yet, some find their way to soldier through writer's...

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Christian Mistress is a confounding egg of a band. A half-decade ago, they took a good chunk of the metal world by storm with...


The Sword have heretofore never presented themselves as a particularly divisive band. One of their greatest charms is that you largely know what you’re...


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


Say what you will about the politics of the scene, albeit straight edge, hardline, vegan, focuses on politics or general violence, there have been...


Motor Sister is at their absolute best when they are letting it all hang out in a clinic of no fucks given, good times...


France’s Death Engine doesn’t sound like Neurosis per se, but there’s a definite artistic aesthetic informed, influenced and inspired by the Oakland post-metal legends....


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.


Sweden's The Crown is one of many great death metal bands to come out of the country's legendary scene. But aside from the occasional...


Not sure if anyone was more astonished than I when Carcass unveiled the masterpiece that is Surgical Steel last year. I am admittedly a...


Singer/calling card Uta Plotkin joined Witch Mountin in 2009, her bluesy blend of Allanah Myles ("Black Velvet") and Heart's Ann Wilson standing out memorably...


What Orange Goblin had to offer alongside fellow countrymen Electric Wizard in the 1990's would change things to come in the future without them...


In simplest terms, Back to the Front is essentially canonical Entombed: even with Hellid's departure, the remaining members had all been touring with the...


If you gathered all the rage of the youth, fixed in all the fucked up things you see in life from petty attitudes to...


Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Wolvhammer made waves back in 2011 with crusty black metal gem The Obsidian Plains, cementing them as rising shadows in the...

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