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Search results for "grindcore"


The post black metal scene is something I get on only a few levels. I see the draw, the more picturesque beauty that the...


Noisem is a band that some took to and some didn't quite get when they released their PhD grade banger Agony Defined. Some saw...


Honestly, the only complaint I could possibly make about the album is “it’s been done before,” which only bears out the answer “please keep...


Since regression is a return to a former or less developed state, one will doubtless see the new Theories album in a matter of...


The smashing, crusted out grindcore that is Occult 45 has dropped their latest offering Human Abhorrence. Those that know the Philldelphia, PA crew's schtik...


Known for their abrupt, punchy songs and incredible speed, The Kill are one of the who's who of modern grind.


Napalm Death finds themselves writing some of the most complex songs they've ever assembled while simultaneously pushing out blasts that melt even the most...


Writing grindcore songs is hard. Writing good grindcore songs is even better. In lieu of the saturation of nearly everything, it's important to recognize...


Six Brew Bantha, or Sixbrewbantha, spelled whichever way you want it to be spelled as per the band, have been chruning out righteous, raw...

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If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...


Raw may be the name of the game when it comes to traditional and prototypical grindcore but that's not to say well polished bands...


Anaal Nathrakh has forged quite a well-deserved reputation for being unrelenting, uncompromising, and truly brutal purveyors of extreme metal. Here in the latter stages...


Puig Destroyer, baseball's only grind band, I think, has unleashed their first album via No Sleep Records. Some of you may have heard of...


Crossover thrash supergroup Iron Reagan strip away the sanctimoniousness of socially conscious extreme music and replace it with vaguely political anger that almost any...


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.


Vermin Womb is one of those bands that reminisce about wrecked neighborhoods. The feeling of an utter, haunting dark isolating that cuts straight to...


It’s nothing new to mash up grindcore, death metal, d-beat, and thrash. After all, it’s a smorgasbord of many of the best genres metal...


The monsters are on their way. They're approaching now. You'll soon know them by the way they scream. You'll know them by way of...


Aborted. Only a death metal group could get away with a band name like that, especially for almost twenty years. Death metal has made...


Place yourself in London, 1940–41, during the blitz. Bombs are crashing around you (above you if you’ve taken refuge in the tube), churches and...


Andrew W.K., with his self-help speeches and spontaneous one-man shows, is widely recognized in the mainstream media as the go-to expert when you want...


Grindcore has a storied history, one which ties together otherwise disparate factions of punks and metalheads and has set the precedent for just how...


Fans of The Haunted have been pretty disappointed over the past six years. While the band's first four records are still holding up well...

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