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Search results for "street"


Impending Doom is about to release their sixth studio album The Sin and Doom Vol. II. The Christian Deathcore band from Southern California has...


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...


The elements which brought Wolvhammer to where they are today remain. A broader scope and sense of adventure has opened up new possibilities.


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...


Spiraling and crazed death metal from Amarillo, The Abolishment Of Flesh's debut proves they aren't messing around.


This New Jersey band's debut is much more than a complex piece of rigidly structured virtuosity.


No part of Fucked And Bound's new LP is subtle in its vicious hardcore glory


This LP is gripping from front-to-back and is already a contender for album of the year in my book.


The ten tracks on offer span the width and breathe of the Godflesh oeuvre, sounding as rhythmically calculating and drill-press noisy as early works...


Through the miracle of online serendipity, long dormant Swedish band Ice Age are finally making their uber-overdue debut on wax. 


One thing RAM has had a knack for and continues to sharpen is their ability to craft really hooky vocal lines and memorable melodies,...


All in all, no wasted moments surrounding Burn Your Dead, except perhaps the time you're spending listening to anything else.


In spite of the fact that Slipknot have previously released live DVDs that feature a lot more easter eggs than Day of the Gusano, from a performance...


Wall of Sound is without a doubt a redefining moment in the instrumental shred subgenre.

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When the beloved Amebix called it quits after a brief reformation, Rob 'The Baron' Miller resurrected the feeling of his unique work in the...


Accept have been one of the more consistently excellent bands over the decades that it can easily seem to even longtime listeners that the band...


The Hanged Man is a heavy, noisy, violent experience. Sometimes all at once, sometimes little by little.


Black Star Riders emerged when Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham had new material kicking around which he initially intended to showcase on a new...


Geezer meld Hawkwind and Motorhead on this latest trippy artsy stoner rock masterpiece.


Paying no heed to the controversy/drama presently simmering beneath this band’s surface, the fact of the matter is Beelzefuzz do an excellent job of...


After half a decade of waiting prog metallers Hammers Of Misfortune are back. The question remains - was it worth the wait?


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


At this point in time, it feels as if all directions of metal have been exhausted. But fortunately, the envelope continues to be pushed...

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