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Search results for "distant"


pace doom progenitors Ufomammut, perhaps cut off from the immediacy of scene influences due to their residence in the mountainous Piedmont region of northwestern...


Last year, The Body and Thou unleashed a compilation album. Not the general compilation where they both pay it forward and split songs as...

Black Metal History

ach person has his or her own way of delving into an art form. For me, books and documentaries have a colorizing effect on...


Scotland's Falloch was last on the scene as a duo, since then vocalist/guitarist/tin whistle-ist Andy Marshall left the band opting instead for the much...

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If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...


Black metal. It's everywhere. So thus begs the question of what's worth approaching and what's worth tossing aside? The saturation of the genre can...


Justin Broadrick hasn't been this focused in years.


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.


When your public nemesis is the likes of Gene Simmons, it's not difficult to come off as the sympathetic party in the Kisstory war...


It’s nothing new to mash up grindcore, death metal, d-beat, and thrash. After all, it’s a smorgasbord of many of the best genres metal...


Slayer's Kerry King has been quoted in recent memory as stating that if the so called Big Four of 80's thrash were expanded to...


There's no escaping the ghost of Pepper Keenan. Not an original member of COC, the man nonetheless spent the 90's reshaping the band in...


Thomas Gabriel Fischer has always been a reluctant ringbearer. Though fiercely proud of his artistic legacy, he's often seemed on unsure footing when he...

Black Metal History

There is music that is meant to comfort us, music meant to disturb us, and music meant to impale our senses with the cold...


We've been waiting patiently for five years since Behemoth dropped their 2009 blasphemy Evangelion. Obviously nobody could be angry about the wait given frontman,...


There is no band like Black Flag. And I can say that finally in present tense because they're back! Joy of fucking joys. One...


Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


Listening to a new, young band like Starkill is sort of like playing a game of audio charades. Who do they most sound like?


Ancient VVisdom broke through last year when Prosthetic re-released their 2011 independent album A Godlike Inferno. Critics and punters alike found themselves enamored of the band's...


Ufomammut, the Italian experimenters of space and sound, have returned with their second album of the year: Oro – “Opus Alter”. This album follows on...

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