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Search results for "Balls"

Matching Tags: X-RAY EYEBALLS


Adventure the Unparalleled Universe that is Origin in their seventh studio album release.


Abrams has all the potential in the world to make a bonafide sludge/rock masterpiece; Morning is major a stepping stone, and a really good one, toward...


If The Obsessed does indeed turn out to be Wino's exclusive gig for the foreseeable future, he could have definitely picked a worse way...


Warbringer are back baby and we absolutely love it!


Obituary bring out all the best in their tenth release that rips, annihilates, and pummels with extreme rage


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


The Drip have more going on than most would notice upon a few listens.


Black Star Riders emerged when Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham had new material kicking around which he initially intended to showcase on a new...


This crossover delight is an incredible start to the new year. Iron Reagan successfully boosts moral, along with the speed in the pit.


For those in the know, Heavy Temple have been one of Philadelphia's strongest doom exports in recent years


Tower are the motherfucking saviors of rock and roll. You know you want to jam this shit.


Two Fistula records in one year? I’d say you’re too kind, 2016, but we all know that’s bullshit. But I’ll take any miniscule amount...


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...

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Nuclear Holocaust fucking thrash. Now if only they can get their shit together.


After half a decade of waiting prog metallers Hammers Of Misfortune are back. The question remains - was it worth the wait?


Omega Monolith are weird, wonderfully so. But every once in a while you have to step back and ask - is this music or...


Sol Sistere touch on greatness, but they are capable of so much more.


Nattesferd serves as the culmination of Kvelertak's career as a band up to this point, a satisfying payoff to their trajectory from a relatively...


With each passing release, Ihsahn seems to add more colors and styles into the mix he concocted at the dawn of his solo career....


Elevators To The Grateful Sky are getting ready to turn rock and roll on its head. Are you ready for them?


One of the most raw and balls out fun bands in death metal, Like Rats have gotten better than ever with II.


If you struggle with math, you'll have a hard time adding up the technical nonsense that is Wormed's new album, Krighsu. I guess you'll...


Vredehammer fucking slay on their latest release--what more do you need to know?

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