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Search results for "portal"


Terrifying and apocalyptic black metal wrought from the darkest night - what more is there to want?


In death metal, some prefixes just make sense. Take, for example, the prefix of 'cavernous'. The word itself speaks volumes. Written on its own,...


Ne Obliviscaris' latest record doesn't quite boast the fiery, spirited edge that initially made the band one of metal's most exciting new acts. Urn...


Not to be outdone by their own discordant eccentricities, Altarage are back to prove that things can become even more nebulous


Trap Them basically shoves your head into a mulcher and keeps on grinding with Crown Feral.


Treehouse depicts the band's departure from metal or electronicore roots and rather welcomes the fusion of EDM with hardcore and alternative...


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


Shining play off like a madman’s psychotic episode on their seventh studio record, more comfortable yet with an approach that differs from the conventional...


With track record of playing about as fast as they release albums, Tyranny don't have much to answer to in terms of a discography...


To put it mildly, Deiphago at the best of times, sounds like Blasphemy jamming with Brutal Truth at the confluence of a wind tunnel,...


Temple of Dagon are on the move with their latest EP Revelations of the Spirit.


To their credit, Blind Guardian have been content to just lay back in the cut and perfect their craft one album at a time;...


This Australian six-piece has already made an admirable impression on their disciples, so the anticipation leading to the release of Citadel has been exciting,...


This is Revocation's 5th full length album since 2008, and if we have learned anything from this trashy metal band, it's that Revocation loves...


This Montréal-based quartet certainly threw down the gauntlet in titling their debut Unrelenting Fucking Hatred. Thankfully, their flensing-knife-scraping-across-black-metal's-open-wound lived up to the labelling.

Black Metal History

Overtly sinister sonic imagery requires some suspension of disbelief on my part. Either I’ll buy into a band’s bombast and bluster, or their attempts...


Animals as Leaders have slowly been building momentum since the release of their self-titled debut album in 2009. Just two years later Tosin Abasi...


By Atanamar Sunyata Many metal albums create a feeling of forward movement; lumbering, running, sprinting. Others hold you stationary while buffeting you with gusts...

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