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Search results for "eric"


Hornss are doom metal for the modern age combining old and new in breathtaking technicolor.


FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Protest the Hero, SikTh...


The album comes with an unspoken mandate: don't rock the boat. Testament are sticking with the formula that works and giving the fans what...


What do you get when you take one of the forefathers of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal and put him in a...


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


Black Metal is better when its weird and immersive.


While They Were Sleeping is a strong return statement by a band that has overcome adversity, of both the personal and professional varieties, and...


As I Lay Dying ex-members are back for their second crack


I was maybe a freshman in high school listening to an online radio station called Garage Monkey and a song called "Prehistoric Dog" came...


The djent movement is in need of a shock of revitalization, and unfortunately, Auras won’t be the band to do it…not this time around,...


Familiar aesthetic aside, Sumerlands manage to forge a unique aesthetic within a well trod upon Venn diagram of early metal influences: Metal Massacre meets...


FFO: Animals as Leaders, Plini, Chon...


this international trio have rallied together to deliver some extreme metal that will blow your socks off, or should I say, turn your socks...


Album number seven sees Inquisition both pushing for new horizons while also showing signs of growing a bit too comfortable with their own formula


What Decision Day gives Sodom is the ability to add new songs to their set-list. Likewise, it gives fans new songs to mosh and...


Carnifex's previous album, Die Without Hope, was what I believed to be the greatest Carnifex release to that day, and I think that Slow...


This album gets to the heart of what extreme music is: an artistic expression of the dark, ugly side of existence (whether in this...


Much can be said to the "Meh" quality of most bands in one of the most mature, yet juvenile sub-genre in metal, so it's...


True cvlt followers of the music, cannot help but negatively influence not only my own perceptions, but also those potentially interested.


Supergroup Sinsaenum's debut hints at great things to come and makes us very curious to see how this band will evolve over the years.


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


Underling are a wonderful little US atmospheric black metal outfit who have a tight sense of groove and potent songwriting, making for some very...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.