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Search results for "Deliver"


Lamb Of God meets Metallica in Dead Earth Politics strongest release to date!


Some combinations are just inevitably fantastic. Peanut butter and jelly. Chocolate cookies and milk. Black Sabbath and Clutch. With vocalist Neil Fallon and drummer...


Get ready for one of the most exciting, devastating and all around brutal metal records of 2015.


Much can be said to the "Meh" quality of most bands in one of the most mature, yet juvenile sub-genre in metal, so it's...


True cvlt followers of the music, cannot help but negatively influence not only my own perceptions, but also those potentially interested.


One of the main characteristics that continues to protrude in this release is the melodic flow that is at its strongest yet.


There's truly a lot here to like, but the tracks lack the appropriate evolution that they would have gained if this release was worked...


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.


Virginia's Inter Arma have created one of the greatest albums of the decade with their newest effort.


Skin Drone has created the cluster mindfuck of the year with Evocation...


For some, listening to metal began as an act of defiance or rebellion against parents, peers, etc. The distorted vocals, instrumentation, and nonconventional presentation...


Treehouse depicts the band's departure from metal or electronicore roots and rather welcomes the fusion of EDM with hardcore and alternative...


Witnessing the evolution of a genre shifting to its next stylistic phase is somewhat entertaining. It's like watching paint dry off a well-crafted piece...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!


Here we are, half way through 2016, where a competitive batch of Doom/Sludge bands will be competing and compared to one another. Will Cough's...


Gevurah's full-length debut sets the bar significantly high for Black Metal the rest of the year.


The Evil Divide starts off on a nuclear-stamped note of conflagration, that being the frenetic vehemence of “The Moth,” a song that sees the...


Under Attack is album number fourteen and if there’s an underlying message at play it’s that you can teach old dogs new tricks while...


Apparently out of nowhere, Sylvaine has come in with what is quite possibly the post metal album of the year.


Electric Citizen might be about to take over the world, and this record is their exciting next step.


If you’re a diehard fan of Devildriver, then you are going to rejoice at their reformation and Trust No One. But if you’re not...


Nattesferd serves as the culmination of Kvelertak's career as a band up to this point, a satisfying payoff to their trajectory from a relatively...