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Search results for "Thrash"


Sacrilege isn’t a name that gets thrown around much by either today’s whippersnappers or the late 30s/early 40s set determined to let everyone know...


Eyes Alive sups heavily from the sound of dynamic, progressive bands with roots in the world of southern sludge (think Baroness, Mastodon, Kylesa), Sabbath-ian...


Deeper Than Sky could have been another passion project, the lovechild of a few eclectic superstars (at least as far as the underground is...


Along with Dismember, Unleashed, and Entombed, Grave stands for a sound that was birthed and perfected in Sweden. Unfailingly loyal to the genre, Lindgren...


Labeling Twitching Tongues as purely hardcore or solely as alternative metal, would not be doing their material justice. Every stylistic shift that is seamingly...


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...


Black Breath is the kind of band that evolves at its own pace and Slave Beyond Death brings out some of their thickest, strongest...


What New Bermuda delivers is an overall more calamitous and harsher experience


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.


Michigan’s Battlecross is a band that has defied a small stack of odds and hasn’t sweat the minutiae in getting to the point where...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


St. Louis quartet Black Fast have the standard Revocation vibe down as to be expected, but they also bring a surprising dose of Death...


When you hear Fear Factory, you know it’s Fear Factory, when you hear subpar Fear Factory, you know it’s subpar Fear Factory. What might...


Hellbastard are a band that need little introduction concerning their importance within the genres they play. Though more notable for the coining of the...


Ever since arising on the fringes of the black metal scene in 2010, Vattnet Viskar has done just about everything in their power to...


I'll make this short like the EP itself: thankfully, Pounder turns out to be far from an embarrassment, though in terms of a return...


I have all the respect in the world for Australia’s King Parrot. They’re a band that has basically taken the step of diving head...


Sol Invictus has been a long time coming, given that the band have been touring consistently off and on since 2009, and the most...


If you're anything like me, listening to a new Sigh record is an experience that can't really be topped or explained. Each record is...


Noisem is a band that some took to and some didn't quite get when they released their PhD grade banger Agony Defined. Some saw...


If you were to listen to Persisting Devolution without any background information, it would be easy to mistake the album for some forgotten relic...


Since regression is a return to a former or less developed state, one will doubtless see the new Theories album in a matter of...