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MASTODON Streams Absolutely Rocking New Song "Forged By Neron"

From the upcoming Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack.

mastodon 2020

Here it is, our first taste of new Mastodon in 2021! The band is now streaming their new single "Forged By Neron" off the upcoming DC Comics series Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack.

The song is a straightforward rock track with a huge chorus, crunchy riffs, and a short runtime that pretty much demands the repeat button be pushed. For those unfamiliar, Neron is a demon that appears in a handful of DC Comics stories.

“We are super excited and honored to be part of the Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack! We’ve all been fans of DC Comics and the Batman universe since we were kids, so it really means a lot for us to be able to add something to that world,” said Mastodon drummer and vocalist Brann Dailor.

Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack is out June 18 digitally and July 16 physically. The soundtrack is the accompaniment to the DC Comics Dark Nights: Death Metal comic series, featuring contributions from bands like Chelsea Wolfe, Carach Angren, and Greg Puciato.

Pre-orders are available here. As for more Mastodon, they're planning on releasing a new album this fall.

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