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Here's Another New CARCASS Song, “Unfit For Human Consumption”

I've had the new Carcass album for about two weeks and I'm kind of on the fence about it (leaning towards loving it) and I've heard takes on both sides of the fence. Some miss Michael Amott's guitar licks while some are like NEW CARCASS ZOMG!!!! Our reviewer Jeremy Ulrey had the best take yet, but what is ultimately the most important take is your own. How do you feel about new Carcass? If you've only heard one song so far, "Captive Bolt Pistol," fear not! Here is another song to help you for your opinion:

The Gauntlet posted “Unfit For Human Consumption” which is another one of my favorite tracks off the album:

So are you pumped for Surgical Steel? It comes out September 13th, order it here.

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Shout out to photographer Alison Webster.