Bell Witch just released their massive one-song album Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate and you can stream it in full below! The Clandestine Gate is the first of a planned triptych of longform albums named Future's Shadow, so expect more from Bell Witch!
"Eventually, the end of the last album will be looped around to the first to make a circle," said bassist Dylan Desmond of the triptych. "It can be continuously looped, like a day cycle. This would be dawn. The next one would be noon. The following one would be sundown, with dawn and sundown both having something of night."
According to the band, Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate offers more varied vocals – "I wanted the vocals to be more active, rather than being on top of the soundscape," said drummer Jesse Shreibman – and more instrumental experimentation reminiscent of their Stygian Bough Volume 1 collaboration with Aerial Ruin.
Bell Witch is also performing Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate tonight at the Roadburn festival in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
"We have always had incredible experiences at Roadburn and cannot think of a better place for the live debut of our new record," said bassist Dylan Desmond. "We can't wait to return to their stage on Friday for the premiere performance of The Clandestine Gate."
Physical copies of Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate are out on June 9 via Profound Lore. Pre-orders are available here.