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A Pale Horse Named Death, featuring Type O Negative's Sal Abruscato on vocals and guitar, has dropped their new single called "Shallow Grave." Fun fact- it rules.

Sometimes I've found myself wondering what it is that Alice in Chains would sound like if they were a little bit heavier and incorporated the occasional scream. Then I heard the new A Pale Horse Named Death song and I really didn't have to wonder anymore! A Pale Horse Named Death is quickly becoming one of my favorite records this year because while it does wear its influences on its sleeve, there's a whole metric ton of original thought in there right behind it. "Shallow Grave" does a great job as a single because it's a solid embodiment of what the record is; heavy and catchy without any frills. If you're a fan of good music and things that rock, then clicking on the link up there would be a good idea.

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