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At The Movies

COREY TAYLOR Has Written Five Movie Scripts

One of them is called Zombie Versus Ninja.


When he's not working on a new Slipknot album or aspiring to write a musical, vocalist Corey Taylor is apparently writing movie scripts. Taylor revealed in an interview with 105.5 WDHA that he's completed writing five movie scripts so far, though none of them have been developed.

Taylor added he's not interesting in acting right now, but would be once touring for his projects winds down in the future.

"I've done some movies. I've done a handful of them," he said. "Honestly, it's something that would probably make more sense after I'm off the road, which, ironically, here we are. I've done a couple of things, and, obviously, with any script that I write, I'll probably take a little, smaller role and kind of give it to myself.

"It's definitely what I'm doing with the script that I'm shopping right now, which is called 'Zombie Versus Ninja', and it's exactly what [the title] implies. And it's rad. I'm shopping that right now with a group of people who have actually helped me kind of tighten the script up. They've got the contacts. We're kind of doing that right now. But there's a couple of roles in there that I'll probably mess with. They're not the main roles, but they're just kind of tucked in the background, and people will go, 'Oh. Hey.' So it's stuff like that that interests me."

Check out the full interview below.

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