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Search results for "merch cuts"

It's Just Business

"Such tactics threaten the vitality of small and medium-sized venues under 3000 capacity."

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".It's just a way of making more money for them."

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"If you want to help out your favorite band, buy their merch from them directly."

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He's also got a story about some Italian bootleggers.

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"This is absolutely absurd and outrageous, that they are pushing this on artists."

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"They wanna take money out of their pockets, basically. You see it all the time. It sucks."

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"Everyone has to react; it can't be just a few bands that say something."

It's Just Business

"It shouldn't be on our fans to pick up the bill for venue cuts."

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"When are we gonna go on strike and get rid of these insane venue merch cuts?"

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Especially if they're naming drinks after them.

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"You'd think venues doing that could afford some good f**king air conditioning."

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The 47% might be a compound of two fees, but still.

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