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Nergal On New BEHEMOTH: "I've Never Been That Creative In Years"

Plus a live album this year!

Plus a live album this year!

Last we heard regarding Behemoth's followup to 2014's The Satanist, the band was in "super early stages of pre-production." Now frontman and guitarist Nergal has elaborated on the new material to Blackcraft, saying for the first time ever Behemoth was writing whilst on the road, and he personally has "never been that creative in years."

"I’ve never been that creative in years. We’ve got ten or twelve songs nailed, pretty much, and there’s a lot of stuff written and I’m going through lyrics now. Actually, [for the] first time ever in our history, in our career, we are working on tour. So we’ve got this mobile studio and we just fucked around with ideas, with the songs, we go through leads, we practice, we revisit old demos, we try to perfect it and just make it as supreme as we can."

Nergal adds that the plan for the new album is to make one "that’s gonna be significant to the genre and a record that people will remember 20 or 30 or 50 years down the road." Y'know, just in case The Satanist wasn't that already.

Behemoth's next album is tentatively eyeing a fall 2018 release, and the band is hoping to his the studio possibly toward the end of this year. In the meantime, Nergal has also said there will be a live DVD/CD from its recent The Satanist tour to hold fans over!



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