We're uploading any and all available full sets from this weekend's Wacken Festival. Check 'em all out here
Set list:
00:11 1985/Buried Dreams
04:05 Incarnated Solvent Abuse
09:15 A Congealed Clot of Blood (Intro) / Cadaver Pouch Conveyor System
14:35 Noncompliance to ASTM F899-12 Standard (Intro) / This Mortal Coil
18:42 Reek of Putrefaction
23:24 The Granulating Dark Satanic Mills
27:53 Unfit for Human Consumption
34:07 Genital Grinder / Pyosisified (Rotten to the Gore)
38:46 Exhume to Consume
43:08 Captive Bolt Pistol
47:16 Corporal Jigsore Quandary / Forensic Clinicism / The Sanguine Article
54:36 Ruptured in Purulence (Intro) / Heartwork / Carneous Cacoffiny (Outro) / A Congealed Clot of Blood (Intro)